Mental Health Integration Hub

The Mental Health Integration Hub is delivered in partnership with the Australian Government, as part of the Head to Health initiative.
The Hub is the right door for people seeking help, providing:
- short term practical mental health support
- information and advice
- support to navigate mental health services and other services in the community
- referrals and connections to other services.
The Hub aims to increase mental health supports and create a sense of belonging and community by focussing on personal recovery.
Who can attend?
The Hub primarily caters for people 18 years and over.
It is open to anyone in the community including families and support networks.
You can access the Hub without a referral.
You do not have to be linked with mental health services to ask for or receive support.
Opening hours
The Hub is open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.
Our values
The Hub provides a safe and welcoming environment for our community.
We value:
- Being accessible to the community
- Working in partnership with people, families, communities and organisations
- Recovery oriented care, based on respect, choice and hope
- The skills and perspectives of people with mental health, alcohol or other drugs lived experience
- Supporting family and friends
- Promoting health
- Engaging with the community.
Our approach
The Hub provides a welcoming place that is safe and respectful.
It is a place people can find support with the many things that influence mental health and wellbeing, through partnerships with many community organisations.
We know people have difficulty finding and navigating mental health services when they need help.
The Hub is focussed on recovery and personal choice.
Our team
The Mental Health Integration Hub includes peer workers and a senior mental health clinician.
Peer workers have lived experience of mental health and drug and alcohol, either for themselves or as a family member or support person.
Peer workers are the face of the Hub, having initial conversations with people seeking help, providing support, exploring a range of options and connecting people with a wide variety of supports. This perspective is integral in shaping the culture and identity of the Hub.
Contact us
Phone: (03) 6166 0755
Address: Mental Health Integration Hub, Peacock Centre, 10 Elphinstone Road, North Hobart 7000
Other mental health support services
Free help and support
Please ask for help if you, or someone you know, is experiencing distress.
You can call:
- Access Mental Health Helpline (1800 332 388)
- Lifeline (13 11 14)
- Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467)
In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000).